Bath Treatments at
"The Clifton Springs Sanitarium Company" ~ Part 4

Bath Treatments at "The Clifton Springs Sanitarium" ~ Part 4
By Jim Conners, Village Historian

"The Baths" at the Sanitarium. Again there were many different types of bath that were prescribed by the physician as part of her treatment plan for the patient. Medical practices were changing in the 1950's and the baths were eventually phased out as the hospital grew into what we have today.

We have all heard the old adage "What goes around, comes around". One reason the Clifton Springs Hospital is still thriving after 153 years of existence is the visionary planning of the founder Dr. Henry Foster as well as many of the other people in charge of the Hospital. The current management has carried on the tradition of forward practices concerning the use of alternative therapies. With the leadership of Charlotte Wytias, RN and Dr. Les Moore "The Springs of Clifton" opened in 2000 offering individuals alternative treatments such as acupuncture, massage, aromatherapy, nutritional counseling, traditional baths and others. There is now construction underway for The Springs of Clifton to reopen in an expanded wing, at the hospital. "Based on Dr. Foster's vision, Clifton Springs Hospital has come full circle and is once again working on the premise of the healing properties of water. Prevention is the primary focus, but treatment also has its place at the Springs, which integrates conventional and complementary practices." (Vision Statement for The Springs)

The Springs of Clifton's mission states, "The Springs of Clifton offers integrated healthcare that nurtures the mind, body and spirit with the goal of promoting wellness and individual health." The new Center will have six hydrotherapy rooms five of which will use water piped in from the Sulphur Springs that runs through town and a sixth with freshwater in the Jacuzzi tub. Aromatherapy and herbal treatments will also be used in conjunction with the baths. The rooms will also accommodate tables for massage, acupuncture, and other treatments based on the individual's needs and wants. The Springs decor is being designed to help the individuals become relaxed for these types of treatments. The manager, Charlotte Wytias, RN wrote "The Springs has been designed to create an atmosphere conducive to healing. A place that feels tranquil, peaceful, with warm colors, soft lighting, soothing music and views of gardens."

The original Clifton Springs Sanitarium had lovely grounds with pathways through the trees and gardens for patients to spend quiet peaceful walks. Keeping with the past, be it on a much smaller scale, the new Springs will have a Water Garden created to allow individuals a place to sit and relax away from their hectic surroundings.

Just as the early sanitarium attracted individuals from all over the country, the new Springs hopes to do the same. According to Charlotte; "many guests will come for the medical spa treatments, while others will come for the relaxation and recreative aspects of The Springs. It is also anticipated that The Springs, in time, will provide corporate and conference services."

I for one believe that Dr. Foster is looking over our hospital and is very happy to know that his plan for healing the whole individual; mind, spirit and body, is being brought back to the institution he founded 153 years ago.